From Right Thinking from the Left Coast blog around 1/5/2010[quote]Tax or no tax, it is money they didn’t have to spend because the end[/quote]
BAITING ALERT.... Alex this post is best left un-replied to for it is the equivalent of me putting down a trail of Skittles and waiting for you to come munching them one by one while I wait around the corner with Boner's Big New Gavel to conk you on the head with as you take the bait. Please DO NOT take this bait... you've embarrassed yourself enough for all eternity in the substance of the blog-o-sphere with that last reply... any way here goes....
First more concessions... that's the only way we can make this seem fair. I have half of my brain tied behind my back for starters. Of course it is the left side where all the right wing fanaticism originates anyway but that's another subject.
Let's pretend your lie is true and that half of the $5.2 trillion comes from the TARP and the Stimulus.
Specifically point to one program the Pelosi House passed that accounts for even 5% of that remaining $2.6 trillion.
So since you can't what DOES account for that $2.6 trillion... in fact the answer is .... the facts are as follows.
Cost of Bush era tax cuts .... $1.5 trillion
Cost of Iraq/Afgan war .... $ 0.9 trillion
Cost of Unfunded Medicare part D .... $ 0.3 trillion
Decreased revenues from
Republican lead Great Recession ... $1.6 trillion
Total = $4.3 trillion of deficit during Pelosi's 4 years completely not of her spending increases and completely fall out from the Republican policies that preceded her tenure.
Those are the facts and your version of reality requires you to deny them and to lie to yourself. That's the ONLY way you can hold your positions and say the things you say. That you have a cadre of like -minded unthinking delusional brain washed people who will back you up doesn't change reality. Reality involves the real world... you guys aren't up for that. Your brains are not your own.
So in the end I don't fault you guys for your ignorance. You are indeed all victims. Like children raped repeatedly who defend their abusers you suffer a Stockholm Syndrome not of your own doing.
What you all need is some counseling with some one willing to use the Giant Boner Speaker Gavel a few good times on your noggins about three times a week...while you repeat the phrase..."I'm form the government and I'm here to help my name is Ronald Reagan and I'm from the government and I'm here to name is Ronald Reagan and I'm from the government and I'm here to name is Ronald Reagan and I'm from the government and I'm here to name is Ronald Reagan and I'm from the government and I'm here to help"... with a little time your sense might return to you and you might be able to join the rest of us here in the real world in time to save our Republic.